General Assembly Security Council

UNSC Open Debate

Promoting Conflict Prevention-

Empowering All Actors Including Women and Youth

[Wednesday, 13 March 2024]


Statement by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj


I once again congratulate Japan for its Presidency of the Security Council for this month and complement them for their efforts in organizing today’s Open Debate. I should also like to express my appreciation to the briefers for their valuable insights.

2. The complexity of threats to the international peace and security agenda today is reflective of the interconnected-ness of our world. India has therefore emphasized the need for a wholistic approach to creating conducive conditions where vulnerabilities are addressed and conflict is prevented. Especially in view of the disproportionate effect that conflict and violence have on women and youth. In doing so, we take inspiration from the ancient teachings of our philosophy rooted in the principles of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ which sees the world as one inter-connected family.


3. In recent decades, Mr. President, conflicts have become more fragmented– and the conflict theatre much more complex and volatile. The gender perspective is yet to be fully integrated in our collective efforts towards conflict prevention, recovery, and reconstruction. In this regard, allow me to make the following key observations:


  1. One. A Peaceful settlement of disputes is key for the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of the rule of law. Dialogue and diplomacy should be the preferred path to resolve differences in an atmosphere free from fear and coercion.

  2. Second. The Council needs to respect consensus based regional efforts to address shared challenges to international peace and security. The United Nations and regional organisations must assist national authorities, upon their request, in developing capabilities, through the participation of women and youth, to address socio-economic vulnerabilities and build resilience. Moreover, Troop Contributing Countries, need to have a say in the decision-making frameworks including at the time of finalization of mandates.

  3. Third, given the role that the Security Council plays in efforts towards resolution of conflicts and for sustaining peace, a close and hard look at its workings including the issue of its representativeness is required. The Security Council, as the institutional architecture primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, cannot remain frozen in time. It needs to evolve to avoid obsolescence and irrelevance. One of the most important requirements is thereore to strengthen the capacity of this Council to address the issues in front of it by making it representative of contemporary realities, and by undertaking reform to make it more effective. For its part, India has walked the talk, ensuring that the African Union became a full fledged member of the G20 during our Presidency, last year. The UNSC needs to follow suit.

  4. Fourth. The objective of peacebuilding should be to break silos and to promote post conflict peacebuilding and recovery, support the development of integrated strategies towards sustainable development, and to ensure predictable resources for early recovery. Respect for national ownership, sovereignty and territorial integrity while prioritizing development is a sine qua non for sustaining peace.

  5. Fifth. We need to acknowledge that the meaningful participation of women and youth in decision-making, strengthens prevention efforts, and deepens the effectiveness of peacebuilding in post-conflict situations. Women police officers and peacekeepers play an indispensable role in furthering the WPS agenda in post-conflict situations, and this does need to be further incentivized and facilitated.

4. Colleagues, I am happy to share that in recent years particularly, India has strengthened its efforts to put women in key positions in our Peacekeeping endeavours. Currently, there are 108 Indian Women Peacekeepers deployed in UN Peacekeeping Missions worldwide. This includes Military Observers and Staff Officers, Contingent Officers and soldiers, as well as three Indian All Women Female Engagement Teams deployed in Peacekeeping missions in the Sudan, the DR Congo and the Golan Heights. I should also add that, driven by PM Modi’s vision of ‘Women led Development’, the G20 had adopted a full fledged Action plan on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women during India’s Presidency last year. We will continue to remain steadfast in contributing to these efforts globally while working with all our partners.


5. As I conclude, Mr. President, I will state that India has consistently contributed positively and substantially to peacebuilding efforts, underpinned by our efforts to give voice to the countries in the Global South. We are dedicated to furthering these endeavors and hereby reassert our unwavering commitment to fostering peace and stability.


Thank you
