General Assembly Security Council


Before I call on the next speaker, allow me to say a few words in my national capacity.

We are obviously focused today on the urgency of reforming multilateralism.

We will naturally have our particular views, but there is a growing convergence atleast that this cannot be delayed any further.

The credibility of the UN depends on its effective response to the key challenges of our times, be it pandemics, climate change, conflicts, or terrorism. While we search for the best solutions, what our discourse must never accept is the normalization of such threats. The question of justifying what the world regards as unacceptable should not even arise. That certainly applies to state sponsorship of cross-border terrorism. Nor can hosting Osama Bin Laden and attacking a neighbouring Parliament serve as credentials to sermonize before this Council.

That said, I thank all Council members for their contributions.

I now resume my duties as President of the Council and give the floor to the representative of the ….