General Assembly Security Council

Permanent Mission of India to the UN

New York


UNSC Briefing on MINUSCA/Central African Republic

(Thursday, 21st January 2020; 1000 hrs)


Remarks by

Mr. R. Ravindra

DPR-Political Coordinator


Let me begin by welcoming the presence of Hon'ble Foreign Minister of Central African Republic Madam Sylvie Valerie Temon. I also thank SRSG Mankeur Ndiyae for his comprehensive briefing on the recent developments in the Central African Republic and on the action taken by MINUSCA to address the security situation in the country.


2. We extend our deepest condolences to the bereaved families of peacekeepers from Morocco, Gabon, Rwanda and Burundi, who lost their lives during the attacks in the Central African Republic. We also wish speedy recovery for injured peacekeepers. The death of seven MINUSCA peacekeepers since the launch of the coordinated and simultaneous attacks by the coalition of anti-government rebel groups is a tragic reflection of the deteriorating situation on the ground. These attacks on peacekeepers are shocking and are unacceptable. The perpetrators of these heinous attacks must be held accountable. We call on the CAR authorities to take immediate action against the attackers and bring them to justice.


 3. The precarious security situation in the Central African Republic since the presidential elections held last month is a matter of serious concern. There has been a dangerous escalation on the ground with the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC), armed groups opposed to President Toudera, abandoning the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation signed in early 2019 and launching attacks on the capital Bangui and other towns.


4. While the Peace Agreement of 2019, and the roadmap remain the fundamental edifice to move ahead, we understand that key parts of the deal have not yet been implemented, and rebel violence has continued across the country. Illegal taxing of local populations, trafficking in gold and diamonds, and levying additional taxes on those involved in the supply and production of minerals continue to generate significant revenue for the rebels.


5. The incessant violence has forced nearly 60,000 people to flee the country, compounding an already dire refugee crisis. Schools and training centers remain closed outside the capital and pastoralists and farmers can no longer carry out their activities because of insecurity and fear. Reports of the CPC recruiting children for its work are condemnable. We remain concerned about the evolving humanitarian crisis due to attacks by the opposition groups. We call on the opposition groups to lift the blockade on towns and allow movement of essential supplies.


6. The holding of the second democratic elections on December 27, 2020 despite persisting challenges, was no doubt an important milestone in the Central African Republic. We commend the CAR authorities for conducting the elections with the support of international and regional partners and the UN Mission. However, the recent developments have the potential to derail the hard-earned progress made since 2019. We have seen similar post-electoral situations turning into a major crisis, affecting the larger region. Given the history of political instability and violence, the situation in CAR warrants immediate attention from the international community.


Mr. President


7. On 18 January 2021, the  constitutional court validated the results and endorsed the outcome of the elections. We call on all opposition groups, particularly signatories to the Peace Agreement, to cease hostilities immediately and join the CAR authorities in finding a peaceful solution to the current crisis. It is imperative for all stakeholders to respect the final verdict by CAR’s Constitutional Court and settle their disputes through a peaceful process.


8. We welcome the statement made by President Toudera, underscoring the importance of reconciliation and that of willingness to work with the opposition. The CAR authorities should also avoid taking any action that will exacerbate existing tensions.


9. MINUSCA has been playing a critical role in supporting the CAR security forces in repelling the attacks from the opposition groups. While commending the role played by MINUSCA, we reiterate the importance of the Mission adhering to its mandate as per UNSC resolutions. We also want to underscore the importance of coordination among CAR security forces and the countries extending military support to CAR security forces for coordination of their actions with MINUSCA.


10. India supports the ongoing efforts of the AU and the ECAAS, the two guarantors of the 2019 Peace Agreement to defuse the crisis through negotiations. The countries having influence on the actors in CAR must also extend their support to the AU and the ECAAS. The immediate and pressing priority is early restoration of peace and stability in CAR.


I thank you Mr. President.

