General Assembly General Assembly

Statement by Mr. D.C. Manjunath, First Secretary at the first thematic meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the ‘working methods of the General Assembly’ 4 April 2014


Mr. Co-Chairs,

1.Thank you for convening this important meeting to discuss the ‘working methods of the General Assembly’.


2. I would like to align myself with the statement made by Algeria on behalf of Non-Aligned Group.


Mr. Co-Chairs,

3. Any attempt to improve the working methods should keep in mind the objective that such changes should enhance the role of the General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the United Nations.


4. The essence of the Assembly is in its intergovernmental nature. The deliberations in the GA should be inclusive allowing every member state to take part equally in it. At the same time the member states should engage in substantive deliberations in the six main committees that could result in setting new norms without being bogged down by procedural issues.


Mr. Co-Chairs,

5. We are of the opinion that any streamlining of the agenda of the General Assembly including that of biennialization, triennialization or elimination should be with the consent of the co-sponsoring State or States of the agenda item.


6. The Assembly and the other entities that form part of the UN system must reflect best practices in its day to day functioning. And it has a lot to learn from member-states in this regard.


7. In this regard, as a Country which has gained from the application of new and modern technologies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of electoral processes, we feel that the revitalization process of the General Assembly will benefit considerably if we are able to introduce those technologies that are efficient, which at the same time ensure the security and confidentiality of the electoral processes.


Mr. Co Chairs,

8. In conclusion, let me assure my delegation’s continued support in your efforts to further the goal of revitalizing this Assembly.


Thank you.