General Assembly General Assembly

Statement by Mr. D.C. Manjunath, First Secretary
at the First meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the General Assembly
04 March 2014


Mr. Co-Chairs,


Thank you for convening this important meeting. At the outset, I would like to align myself with the statement made by Algeria on behalf of Non-Aligned Group.


I would like to congratulate both of you Ambassadors; Ambassador Norachit Sinhaseni, the Permanent Representative of Thailand and Ambassador Frantisek Ruzika, the Permanent Representative Slovakia on your appointment as Co-Chairs of the ad-hoc Working Group for this Session.


I would like to express our appreciation for the good work done by the Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Group for last year, Ambassador Mootaz Ahmadein Khalil, the Permanent Representative of Egypt.


I would also like to express our sincere appreciation to the President of the General Assembly H.E. Mr. John W. Ashe for his keen interest in the reinvigoration of the reform agenda of the General Assembly and for his views he shared with us today. 


Mr. Co-Chairs


The need for revitalization of the General Assembly has long been recognized by this Assembly. Assuring my delegation’s constructive participation in the deliberations of the Ad Hoc Working Group, I would like to place on record our considered views on some of the more important aspects of the issue which concern General Assembly Revitalization.


We have consistently held the view that the General Assembly can be revitalized only when its position as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the United Nations is respected both in letter and spirit. The Assembly should take the lead in setting the global agenda and restoring the centrality of the United Nations in formulating multilateral approaches to resolving transnational issues. In particular, revitalization must restore the primacy of the UN in development matters.


It is imperative that the GA transforms itself from being a customary meeting place to a place where transnational issues that impact each and every one of us are addressed swiftly and truly global solutions are prescribed.


Mr Co-Chairs,


It is important for us to establish a relationship of respect for respective mandates between the General Assembly and the Security Council in the spirit of the Charter. The Council should not encroach upon the mandate of the Assembly through extremely wide and permissive interpretations of what constitutes a threat to international peace and security.


The Assembly must have a greater say in the process of selection of the Secretary General. This is not only central in the interest of the United Nations system in general, but also a question of the Assembly’s prerogative in particular.


The Assembly and the other entities that form part of the UN system must reflect best practices in its day to day functioning. And it has a lot to learn from member-states in this regard.


Mr. Co Chairs,


In conclusion, let me re-emphasize the need to discuss substantive measures that would strengthen the role of General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative body of the international community.


Thank you.