Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations
New York
India supports food fortification in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Responding to a request from Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Government of India (GOI) extended a grant amount of around USD 1 million under the India-UN Development Partnership Fund for the project, “Strengthening large Scale Food fortification: the case of investing in Rice Fortification”.
2. The project aims to promote food fortification programmes, address long term supply of nutrition-specific strategies, strengthen food systems, increase nutritional diversity and overcome micro-nutrient deficiencies in Lao PDR. Support to the project is a reflection of India’s deep-rooted ties with Lao PDR that encompasses multiple areas of cooperation.
3. India-UN Development Partnership Fund, established by Government of India in June 2017, provides support to projects in developing countries that aim to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Fund attaches centrality to the principles of South-South cooperation and places priority on national ownership and leadership, equality, sustainability and development of local capacity. A sum of USD 150 million has been committed by GOI for this Fund till date.
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New York
15 October 2024