As an organization, the United Nations must evolve and adapt itself to a rapidly changing environment and to better to serve the needs of the world community. At the 2005 World Summit, all Heads of States and Governments unanimously pledged themselves to an agenda for early and meaningful reform of the United Nations.
India is of the view that the international community needs to make more determined efforts to revitalize the General Assembly to enable it to fulfill its rightful role as the principal deliberative organ of the United Nations.
It is India's belief that no reform of the United Nations is complete without the composition of the Security Council changing to reflect contemporary realities of the twenty - first century. This requires expansion in the membership of the Security Council in both the permanent and non - permanent categories. India is a member of the G4 [India, Brazil, Japan and Germany] and the L - 69, the grouping of developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America that have been in the forefront of inter - governmental negotiations on reform of the Security Council since 2009, India has relentlessly pursued this cause. The Indian delegation has affirmed that the process of bringing about UNSC reforms should not be seen as an exercise ad-infinitum and called for concrete outcomes on this subject at the earliest through the initiation of text based negotiations.
By any objective criteria, such as population, territorial size, GDP, economic potential, civilizational legacy, cultural diversity, political system and past and ongoing contributions to the activities of the UN — especially to UN peacekeeping operations — India is eminently qualified for permanent membership. India has affirmed its willingness and capacity to shoulder the responsibilities of permanent membership. India's efforts at the New York based negotiations are complemented by the high - level endorsements of its candidature for a permanent seat by most countries including four of the P-5.