Shri Eldos Mathew Punnoose Counsellor
Security Council
- Political Coordinator
- West Asia & Middle East - Liaison with DPPA - 1540 committee
General Assembly
- Al OIC-related matters
- IGN process - General Assembly Plenary concerning Ukraine and Syria
4th Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) - UNRWA
- Decolonization) related agenda item and special political mission
Media Coordinatior / Publicity
Shri Surendra Adhana
Member ACABQ
Security Council
- DRC including sanctions committee/Great
- Ukraine/BIH/Kosovo
General Assembly
- Fifth Committee
Peacebuilding Commission
Head of Chancery
Ms. Sneha Dubey
Security Council - Developmental Issues; Climate &Security Issues
2nd Committee
- G-77 - SDGs; 2030 Agenda - Summit of Future - ECOSOC & its subsidiary bodies related to economic & financial issues
Shri Raghoo Puri
First Secretary
Election Officer
Security Council
- Afghanistan, DPRK, Myanmar
- Western Sahara
- Quad and SCO coordination
General Assembly
- NAM coordination - Counterterrorism
- BRICS / IBSA coordination
- India-UN Development Partnership Fund / IBSA Fund
Ms. Petal Gahlot
First Secretary
Secondment to O/o PGA
Ms. Bhavika Mangalanandan
First Secretary
Security Council
- Cyber security
- Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, CAR
- Women, peace and security (WPS)
- Children &Armed Conflict (Working Group on CAC)
General Assembly
3rd Committee
- Human Rights; Children
- Indigenous peoples (Permanent Forum on Indigenous
- Racism
- ECOSOC & subsidiary bodies related to social issues, CPD, C-Soc-D
Ms. Suman Sonkar
First Secretary
Security Council
- Peace & Security in Africa
- UN-African Union (AHWG on Africa)
- Colombia, Haiti, Iraq, Mali
General Assembly
- Humanitarian issues
1st Committee
- Disarmament and International Security
4th Committee
- Committee on Information
- Assistance in mine action
International Day of Yoga and other important events
Col. Tarunendra Pratap Singh
Military Adviser
Security Council
- Military staff committee - Liaison with DPO, DPPA, DOS, DSS, Military Adviser etc.
General Assembly
- Peacekeeping including C-34 (Special Committee)
- All issues related to peacekeeping
Ms. R. Mythili
First Secretary (LA)
Security Council
- Criminal Tribunals/ICJ
6th Committee (Legal)
- R2P Crimes against humanity
Shri Pramod Kumar Second Secretary
Office of the Permanent Representative
Shri Mahesh Kumar Second Secretary
Office of the Deputy Permanent Representative
Shri. Rentala Srinivas, Second Secretary
India-UN Development Partnership Fund
IBSA Fund Decolonization-related agenda items UN Hindi Project UN Cooperation with Regional Organizations (AU, OIC, IOM, SCO etc.)
Shri Pawan Kumar Second Secretary
Office of the Permanent Representative