General Assembly General Assembly

Intervention by Ambassador Tanmaya Lal, Deputy Permanent Representative at the Informal Meeting of the GA on the modalities of the High Level Meeting on Refugees and Migrants, on
March 2, 2016


Thank you Co-Facilitators,

May I start by congratulating you on your appointment as Co-Facilitators for this important process. We thank you for organizing today's informal meeting. 

The decision to hold the High-Level Meeting of the Plenary to address large movements of refugees and migrants, appears to be responding to the more immediate crisis that has engulfed parts of the world with record numbers of people on the move, leaving their homeland due to war and destruction in desperate search for safety and security.

We are hoping that the High Level Meeting will also take a longer term view and consider broad approaches to the two issues of migration and that of the refugees.  Both these cross-border movements have been with us for generations. 

Migration and movement of refugees across borders are distinct concepts and differ in fundamental way in their causes, motivations and impacts. The international community has evolved separate processes for dealing with these issues. Our response in dealing with these two concepts should remain clearly mindful of this essential distinction.

Our collective approach in dealing with these issues must retain a balanced and a long term perspective. 


We expect any outcome of the High Level meeting to be one which has full involvement and support of all member states. We could support the idea of working towards a negotiated outcome. We are confident that you will be able to conduct a process of intergovernmental negotiations that is transparent, inclusive and member state-led.

The participation of other stakeholders in the preparatory process as well as in the meeting itself is important.  We hope that this will be done in line with the rules of procedure of the General Assembly.

I would like to assure you of India's pro-active engagement and participation in the process, for a successful event on 19 September.

I thank you.