General Assembly General Assembly



Statement by Amb. Asoke K Mukerji, Permanent Representative of India to UN after the adoption of draft Resolution A/68/L.62 on ‘Four one-day structured dialogues on possible arrangements for a facilitation mechanism to promote the development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies’


Mr. President,

At the outset, allow me to thank Ambassador Seger of Switzerland and Ambassador Patriota of Brazil for their exemplary work as Co-moderators of the 4 Structured Dialogues.

We commend the General Assembly for adopting by consensus draft resolution A/68/L.62 regarding the Structured Dialogues on options for a Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM).

By adopting this resolution, the Assembly has provided a mandate for the continuation of meaningful discussions on the issue of technology cooperation and has linked it with the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

This is something we welcome, not least because in our view the mandate of GA resolution 68/210 remains unfulfilled.

Mr. President,

The resolution we have adopted mandates the continuation of discussions based on the recommendations of the President of the General Assembly emanating out of the four Structured Dialogues held during the 68th session.

However, it is clear that both the summary presented by the Co-Moderators and the recommendations of the PGA build on the discussions on this issue over the last two years. 

In fact it is but natural to consider the discussions so far on this issue as part of a continuum and an organic whole starting from the mandate given by the Rio+20 Conference, and including the two reports of the Secretary General which unequivocally recommended the creation of such a Mechanism, the discussions in the workshops during the 67th session and of course the four Structured Dialogues convened during this session. 

As we seek to reach a conclusion during the 69th session on this issue, it will be our understanding that our discussions will build on and base themselves on all these inputs and processes since Rio+20.

Mr. President,

The Indian delegation has long maintained that without a collaborative approach on international cooperation on technology transfer and diffusion, the global achievement of sustainable development will remain a mirage. 

The global nature of the challenges that we confront makes it imperative that a public goods approach to global resources is matched by an equally constructive approach to technology cooperation.

Moreover, as the international community embarks on a path-breaking exercise to translate the normative discourse of ideas on sustainable development into actionable commitments through the SDGs, it is all the more important that the discussions on technology transfer and cooperation also move from long-winding debates into meaningful and action-oriented outcomes.

Mr. President,

You can count on the Indian delegation’s constructive and pro-active engagement on this issue in the months ahead.

Needless to add, we consider a meaningful outcome on technology cooperation in the form of the creation of a facilitation mechanism an indispensable part of a successful Post-2015 Development Agenda.

I thank you.   
