General Assembly General Assembly

National Voluntary Presentation by the Plurinational State of BOLIVIA
Statement by H.E. Ambassador Asoke Kumar Mukerji, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations as Reviewer

Madam Moderator,

Allow me at the outset to commend His Excellency Mr. David Choquehuanca Cespedes, Honorable Minister for External Relations of the Plurinational State of Bolivia for his excellent presentation on the achievements made and challenges faced by Bolivia in reaching the Millennium Development Goals.

We also thank Bolivia for their comprehensive Country report towards the achievement of international agreed development goals and their perspective on the agenda beyond 2015.

It is an honor for India to present some comments on Bolivia s National Voluntary Report as a Reviewer.

I hope our comments and suggestions will be found useful for strengthening efforts for achieving comprehensive development in Bolivia.

Madam Moderator,

As part of its unique vision of achieving comprehensive development for ‘Living Well , Bolivia has made significant strides in achieving the developmental goals it had set for itself as well as the Millennium Development Goals.

The country has made significant gains in reducing poverty and unemployment and in sustaining inclusive economic growth.

The country report shows that chronic under nutrition among children below the age of 3 has declined from 41.7% in 1989 to 18.5% in 2012. Literacy rate of the population in the age group 15-24 years has touched 99.5 % in 2012 even though net enrolment ratio was 82.2%. There have been gains in achieving gender equality as well, with gender gap in enrollment in primary education improving to a 1.2% difference in favor of the female population.

Even so, there remain geographical disparities in several of the targets which will require sustained policy attention of the Bolivian Government.

Madam Moderator,

The Bolivian vision of the development model of ‘Living Well places emphasis on living in harmony and balance with nature. This concept of treating Nature as a living partner in growth and development and not as a resource to be harnessed or exploited is quite similar to the age-old tradition of the Indian civilization.

A culture of frugality, of doing more with less, of taking only as much as required from nature and of no wastage, is a part and parcel of wisdom received through generations and millennia in India.

We commend and congratulate the Government of Bolivia for putting this vision into action.

The Bolivian 2025 Patriotic Agenda with its comprehensive template spread across 13 pillars is also quite noteworthy, particularly as it precedes the elaboration of the global Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Madam Moderator,

In the 21st century, technology can provide us with unique tools for finding solutions to the sustainability problems the world faces and ensuring comprehensive and holistic development.

From the experience of India, I can testify that Information and Communications Technology can play a particularly transformative role in enhancing the effectiveness of developmental policy. This is true in particular for empowering women, who play such an important role in the Bolivian economy and society.

We would therefore encourage the Government of Bolivia to systematically harness technology in particular ICT for empowering women and promoting comprehensive development.

In the spirit of brotherly solidarity, India stands ready to share its experiences and expertise with Bolivia.

I thank you.
