General Assembly General Assembly

Report of the AHWG on the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly 

30 August 2024

Statement by Ambassador Yojna Patel, Deputy Permanent Representative



Distinguished Co-Chairs,


At the outset, my delegation would like to congratulate St. Lucia and Romania, the Co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, for their excellent work during this session and commend their commitment to this process.


We welcome the draft report of the Ad Hoc working Group on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly at the 78th session of the General Assembly; a process which remains one of the most important processes of the overall reform of the United Nations, and contributes significantly to strengthening the UN system, improving global governance and reinvigorating multilateralism. The release of this report on the eve of the Summit of the Future next month is also timely and relevant.


India has always been of the view that the General Assembly can be revitalized only when its position as the primary deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the United Nations, is respected in letter and spirit. The essence of the General Assembly is in its intergovernmental nature. It is the closest thing to a global parliament. The success of multilateralism depends on the success and effectiveness of the General Assembly to address the growing number of challenges facing the world that cut across national boundaries and regions.



My delegation also welcomes that in accordance of the GA resolution 75/335 adopted last year by consensus, this process has become biannual and we appreciate the importance of rationalizing and streamlining the agendas of the six main committees. This would ensure that the member states can engage in substantive deliberations in the six main committees that could result in setting new norms, without being bogged down by procedural issues.


As a general principle, the quality of working methods is integral to the efficiency and effectiveness of any organisation. These need to evolve with time and reflect the necessities of changing circumstances and realities.


Finally, revitalisation of the General Assembly must also be seen in the wider context of the overall reform of the United Nations. It is our firm belief that the urgent and comprehensive UN reform, including that of the Security Council, is imperative to make it reflective of current geopolitical realities and enhance its capability to meet the increasingly complex challenges of our time.


We look forward to continue contributing effectively and constructively with all delegations and groups in the future work of the Ad Hoc Working Group.


I thank you.