General Assembly General Assembly

Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

Eleventh session

New York, 23, 24 and 27 August 2021


Item 6 of the agenda

Global geodetic reference frame




Dear Chairman,


India appreciates the work of the Subcommittee on Geodesy during the intersessional period, and its considerable efforts in appraising the GGRF as a vital infrastructure for the global geospatial community.


India also takes note of the five focus areas addressed by the subcommittee in its progress towards the long term sustainability and quality of the Global Geodetic Reference Frame and appreciates the efforts of Germany in hosting the Centre of excellence at the United Nations Campus in Bonn. The factor to be considered for the successful operation of the global geodetic center of excellence is to spread awareness through education and training programs, especially to member countries that lack geodetic infrastructure.


India is setting up its own CORS network which will be useful for the refinement of AsiaPacific regional reference Frame as well as Global Geodetic Framework. We need to further strengthen our own National Geodetic Reference frame to contribute to the long-term accuracy and accessibility of GGRF.


In India, the National center for Geodesy at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur has been setup for research and education in field of Geodesy.


India expresses its willingness to participate in the Working Groups in the work package of enhancing global cooperation across Member States and relevant geodetic stakeholders, including IAG and FIG. India is opinion that the strategic plan mentioned in the Concept Paper on the Establishment of the Global Geodetic Centre of Excellence should be adopted at the earliest.


India welcomes the Subcommittee’s intention to convene its third plenary meeting in 2022 when global conditions permit. India congratulates the subcommittee of hosting the event Global Geodesy forum to celebrate Earth Day, on 22 April 2021, and acknowledges the crucial role of geodesy in the well-being of society, the environment and the economy.


Thank you.